Slovenia, Istria, Trieste


Looking for a tourist guide in Slovenia, Istria, Trieste or other neighbouring regions? In search of suggestions about places to visit, restaurants, hotels or how to travel? Would like to discover these places with the assistance of experienced, open-minded, talkative local guides? Then you surely are looking in the right place!

We are a network of guides specialised for the country of Slovenia, the Croatian region of Istria and the Italian city of Trieste. Beside English language we also speak Italian, German, French, Russian, Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian. We have a passionate, yet professional and friendly relationship toward our work and our guests. We also believe that the human touch is still worth more than modern technology also in the field of guide information.

Some of the more famous places where we often work:

  • Piran
  • Ljubljana
  • Bled
  • Trieste
  • Porec
  • Rovinj
  • Pula

…but beside this there are also many more “not so famous” places which we know and can help you to discover them.

If you than need suggestions such as for example:

  • in which restaurant to eat in Ljubljana if you are a group of 40 people?
  • how to get from the Trieste airport till Portorose if you are six persons?
  • which caves to visit? Postojnska jama or the Skocjanske caves?

…we will be glad to help you.

You are welcome to get in touch with us by sending us a message using the contact form or by calling us on the telephone number 0038651210390. We will try to service your inquiry almost as soon as possible.